GPO Box 442 Canberra ACT
Phone 1300 362 072 ▪
Our ref: AFOI-ER/20/10019
26 October 2020
T Wilson-Brown
By email only:
Dear Sir/Madam
Freedom of Information – section 42 – extension of time
I am writing to advise you that on 16 October 2020, the ACT Ombudsman received a request from
the ACT Electoral Commission (Commission) for an extension of time to process your access
The Commission applied for an extension of time under section 42 of the Freedom of Information Act
2016 (ACT) (FOI Act) on the grounds of exceptional circumstances, namely, a critical time for the
Commission in delivering the 2020 ACT Legislative Assembly Election outcome.
The Commission has requested an extension of time to 13 November 2020.
Under s 42(3) of the FOI Act, the ACT Ombudsman or his delegate, may extend the time for a
respondent to decide an access application if they believe it is not reasonably possible for the
respondent to deal with the application within the required timeframes because:
a. the application involves dealing with a large volume of information, or
b. the application is complex, or
c. there are other exceptional circumstances.
The ACT Ombudsman has considered the information provided by the Commission in support of its
application and has decided to grant the Commission extension to process your access application to
13 November 2020, being nine business days. This decision has been made under section 42(3) of
the FOI Act.
By granting further time, it is anticipated the Commission provide a wel -reasoned and better
managed decision.
If you have any questions relating to this notice, please contact Benjamin Ackhurst, the case officer
for this matter, at: Please quote AFOI-ER/20/10019.
Yours sincerely
Suseela Durvasula
ACT Strategy and FOI